The following is a list of emotional causes that can lead to hip pains and issues.
Anger at parents.
Conflict between moving forward and holding on.
Fear of making major decisions.
Concerns about your life purpose.
Fear of intimacy.
Holding on to past hurt.
Withdrawing energy from a person or relationship.
Feeling as though you are on shaky ground.
Feeling insecure.
Feeling useless.
Wanting to move away from a person or situation.
Carrying too much emotional weight for others.
Finding it hard to be independent.Feel as though you have nothing to look forward to.
Feeling a lack of physical and/or emotional support.
Resistance to current experiences.
Fear of moving forward in life, career, relationship.
Fear of the future.
Fear of change.
Inability to let go of the past.
Feeling unable to stand alone.
Financial Fear.